Next Family Systemic Constellation Day is on May 29 in Bayswater North, Melb.

Image: Jake Thacker (Unsplash)
"You are the dream of all your ancestors". (Bert Hellinger)
Reflection on Mothers Day 2023
In Melbourne and surrounding areas, as we move through autumn and into winter, I see the changing colours of the deciduous trees and I am reminded of the transient nature of colour and moments of aliveness in our lives; how bright, beautiful and aflame with life the leaves are. This Mothers Day, the roads in the Dandenong Hills were crowded with families leaving their homes for a walk in the many gardens, famous for their autumn colours, chestnuts and lingering flowers of spring. Yet Mothers Day can be bittersweet for those who may feel unhappy with their family relationships, sadness at a recent or far away loss of a mother or many other situations as varied and valid as the life of the autumn leaf colours. Perhaps mothers may look back on their days with children, or without their children, and wonder, was I enough? what if ... I wish ... If only .. I never knew ... I did my best.. I love. Each of us, and each child conceived, was given life because of a mother.
Grandmothers, mothers, & daughters ... on this universal day of remembering those who gave birth to us, those who chose to adopt us or raise us as their own, those who fed us, those who nurtured us, those who slept near us, those who stayed awake praying for us, those who endear themselves to us and those who annoy us, those aunties and friends, godmothers and angels of all ages who looked us in the eye so lovingly ... Thank you.
Thank you. Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou.
Without you Mum, we wouldn't have life here on earth. We have shared the same blood stream. Your blood has coursed through our veins and arteries, moving between us, nourishing our bodies and our very souls here on earth.
"I will not leave you as orphans ..." - Jesus (John 14: 18)
Our life's journey could be described as a returning home, to discover our One Mother, Father. This Life we live; a miracle of wonder and struggle, joy and suffering - and yet we discover, we are never, ever alone.
If you would like to explore any family relationship issue or the tender or terrible (sometimes both and anything in between) relationship between grandmothers, mothers and daughters for yourself or to serve others, please come along to a Family / Systemic Constellation (Pattern) Day.
Next workshop day is on May 29, 2023 in Bayswater North, Melbourne.
9.30am to 4.30pm.
For more details or to register please contact me or go to
I look forward to welcoming you,