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Grape Vine over Wooden Door

Family Systemic Constellations 

Moments of heartfelt awareness as experienced in Family Systemic Constellation Work can help us to transform our difficulties into our life gems.

Family Systemic Constellation Work can help a person to gain insight and clarity in many situations. This work can bring clarity where there is confusion, understanding and peace in struggling relationship and communication dynamics, resolution and disentanglement from intergenerational trauma and ingrained historical patterns. In this work,  we can

approach financial or business or family difficulties or situations with a new lens that brings a fresh awareness and a movement within toward new life outwardly. Where there are physical illnesses or mental health problems we can gain insight and a healing movement toward health and wellness. During a constellation, a new heartfelt healing image can form new pathways within us, guided by love, compassion and respect.

A Family Systemic Constellation Day workshop creates a healing space with others, for looking at our particular difficulty, issue, or current situation that is keeping us stuck and holding us back from living with ease in the now. This work allows respectful and gentle connection and resolution for a situation that is troubling you. Though a resolution may not be as expected, a constellation experience can bring an insight, peace and acceptance that allows us to live life forward.



Family Systemic Constellation Work  helps us to explore hidden patterns and binds that may be keeping us stuck and unable to move forward as we would like to.  

Looking to our family system holistically  via our body, heart, mind, and spirit helps us to discover new ways to see ourselves and others.  


Sometimes we unknowingly carry burdens from the past and may feel a sadness, a loneliness, a discontent, a confusion, a drive or a bind or illness that creates tight knots within us and seems insurmountable in our current life. 


Awareness comes to us as a gift. When we heal, life can flow and unfold for ourselves and within our families. We experience  respect for our ancestors and feel the blessings of our heritage, despite our difficulties, 

bringing our authentic self to light.



Small Group

 A day workshop offers a respectful, caring space for seeing ourselves and our situation more clearly, will touch our hearts and bring new perspective. 

Participants may choose to be representatives, hold space for others or  look at their own issue.  All participants give and receive in fulfilling measure. 


When I first encountered this work, I was moved by it's simplicity and sensitivity

for working with my defensives, knots

and unseen, unconscious life patterns; touching what wanted 

belonging and needed healing in a respectful, safe and effective way in heart resonance and connection with others. 


I share with respect for my family and ancestors; their hopes and experiences. Our life is before us, to live with two wings of understanding and freedom.

Experiencing Family Systemic Constellation Work

helps us to heal, to be more authentic and loving in our lives. 


A therapeutic experience can help us to explore unhelpful patterns, recurrent or sudden illnesses, injury, or issues that may be keeping us stuck in making life choices, living well, or communicating well in relationships, doing our work or gaining financial stability or success. We respectfully look at our family systems to heal and empower us to live our life forward.  


We may struggle with emotional, physical, mind or spiritual health; learning, working, travelling or keeping a home well; shyness, distractions, anxieties, or intimacy; we may long for connection with our true self and a sense of belonging with others.


 When we include who or what is unseen

or forgotten in our family, healing happens. When we look with love on our ancestors and our past, we become unburdened of what does not belong to us and move forward lighter to live and to love.


Healing Stones
Sea Shell
Zen Garden
My experience with Family / Systemic Constellation Work

For 20 years, I have been  learning in all of my personal, workshop and intensive experiences with Family/Systemic Constellation Work (FSCW).  I feel a lightness of joy and safety in the authenticity of this work, and I experience the humbleness of this work when we are sharing real moments of awareness with others. FSCW helps us to see more clearly, helping us to continue on our my journey all the more enriched. My childhood experiences of exhilarating joy and wonder in the world around me becomes beautifully accessible to me again as an adult when I see more clearly and can experience life more fully, from growing in this modality and it's principles. Joy of sharing with others the freedom and peace that I have experienced from doing tis work empowers me to share this work with you. 


I was introduced to Family/Systemic Constellation Work in the early 2000s along with my husband and Family Therapist/Bush Adventure Therapist Robert Coller. I participated and learned in day workshops in Melbourne, Vic. during 3 years of facilitator peer support training with Doug Smith, Dean Mason, Hania Gorski and many other Australian leaders in the field of Family/Systemic Constellation Work. I have participated and learned in-person and online during Master classes with International facilitators including Stephan Hausner, Mark Wolynn, Dr Karl Heinz Rauscher,  Irmgard Rauscher, Angwyn St Just and Svagito Liebermeister. I have learned and gained rich insights into family and systemic patterns and dynamics to do with intergenerational personal and/or historical trauma. I feel empowered by the personal sensitivity and warmth of therapist, teacher and mentors, Hania Gorski and Maria Dolenc. 


I participated in 3 x 8-day International Constellation Intensives;  in-person in Sydney, 2019; on-line in 2020 and 2021 and will attend in-person in 2023.

In 2020, I undertook certificate training with Mark Wolynn in Inherited Family Trauma, Individual Sessions, Level 1.

In 2023, I completed certificate training with Maria Dolenc and Roma Gaster in Sydney over 4 x 3-day weekends and attended Maria’s 2-day Couples Workshop.

In 2023 I participated in the 4-day International Family/Systemic Constellations Learning Circle with Stephan Hausner and intend to participate in Germany in 2024.


I am immersed in continuing experiential learning and training in this phenomenological approach for exploring family and structural systems that humbles and excites me further for this solution-focused work. My occupational therapy studies and previous educational studies and work experience prepares me well to offer this work by creating a safe and welcoming space and bringing my sensitive and perceptive lens to personal situations. 


I greatly appreciate the work of Bert Hellinger who observed much, integrated new learning into family systems therapy and braved new territory to explore the quiet wonder of this sensitive approach to healing in our family systems. In nature, a system seeks balance, and we are also nature and our family system also seeks balance and harmony where all belong. This is soul work where I feel held,  humbled and raised to love. 


The natural seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter as well as the variety of Indigenous seasons for our regions,  invites reflection on the cycle of growth, death, healing, renewal and change that is true of our existence. Sensing nature and perceiving the oneness we share in our heart, we realise that out of our suffering, comes our life's gems of truth that empowers us to find meaning and healing for living our life well.


I enjoy being in nature, walking, playing, writing poetry and haiku. I welcome being with others, sharing in the present moment together. I listen for a Greater Soul to speak and live in me, despite and because of my own humanness.  My family comprise my life's joy. My daily practice of listening to the silence within supports my approach when listening to others and looking anew at each person's situation with humility and compassion within the Family/Systemic Constellation Work therapeutic experience. 


Karena Denford (Coller)

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