Dushy and Nelly are opening their rooms for a Family / Systemic Constellation Day on Sunday October 23 , 2023.

Dushy and Nelly regularly offer Sound Healing and Vibrational Therapy, Holistic and Relationship Counselling and more. They bring their rich cultural tradition, sensitivity and willingness to share their gifts for the greater good of individuals and thus all.
Dushy and Nelly invited Tony and Karena to facilitate a workshop and will bring together a small group who are known to one another for a day of healing with Family / Systemic Constellations. Together, we will serve each other to take step toward healing hearts and a new way of being.
See more about Dushy and Nelly at https://soulchrysalis.com/
Please contact Dushy on or Nelly for more information or to register on:
+61 3 5427 3492
+61 402 319 319
+61 423 954 525
Alternatively, contact Karena on 0434 674 753 or see www.besidethesea.au for more information.
Note: This workshop is now full. However, we have two more dates for 2023; Sunday 12 November and Saturday 9 December. Please see booking page and book early to avoid disappointment.