On this nourishing sunny and rainy winter day, I am preparing and hoping you'll join me next Sunday 7 July at 1.00pm - 5.00pm for a Family Systemic Constellation workshop where we explore nature, belonging and connection, and what blocks us from truly walking our life path.

(Image: Goutham Krishna on Unsplash)
Together we will explore our connection to our true self, nature and to one another, especially as a child of our ancestors and all this means for us. Join me as part of the compassionate holding circle, and/or as a representative and/or as a seeker. I will lead the afternoon with a singing bowl meditation, followed by brief experiential exercises. We will have time for seekers to bring their own issue to seek clarity and a way forward in their situation. Often, the fruits of the spirit seem elusive when we are stuck and feeling dry - family constellations like the rain, allows for new growth by nourishing our soul.
Bookings are essential. If you are interested in doing your own constellation to look at a stuck issue, a limitation, a problem and are unsure of the family systemic constellation process please contact me with your enquiry or for more information.
Dates: Sunday 7 July, Sunday 1 September, Sunday 3 November 3
Time:Â 1.00pm - 5.00pm
 Location: The Cottage, TLC Church, 265 Canterbury Rd, Bayswater North
Contribution:Â $50 - $150
What to expect:Â We will begin with a Singing Bowl Meditation, followed by exercises to gain experience with phenomenology, then individual family systemic constellation work.
Afternoon tea, drinks provided. Dress with layers for comfort, warmth and temperature changes. See more at www.besidethesea.au
Contact: Email me at karena@besidethesea.au or SMS Karena on 0434 674 753 to arrange a 15 min call for more information and to explore how Family Systemic Constellations can be supportive of your wellbeing.
Register: Email, SMS me or register for workshops at www.besidethesea.au - choose your date on registration.