Welcome to therapists, health and wellbeing practitioners and educators in surrounding community on Sunday 17 November
9:30am - 3:30pm.

Family Systemic Constellation Work brings a new perspective to release us from unconscious unhelpful family patterns and hidden loyalties; generational or inherited intergenerational trauma; individual issues that effect our personal, health, work and financial life. These issues, at their entangled roots may keep us stuck, preventing a natural flow of love in our heart and the vitality we need to live our life forward in the world.
When we see more clearly and with new awareness, our life difficulties transform to become our life gems.
This compassionate immersive work renews our human ability for attuned presence to one another. Following an impulse for an inquiry allows us to experience and embody insights that begin a healing movement in our soul that unfolds over time. This work can help us to heal ancestral entanglements that bind us unhelpfully within the family system and can prevent us from living our best life with our ancestral resources strengthening instead us. This work helps us to truly see what holds us back and to embrace hope to live our life with purpose.
See: www.besidethesea.au for more information for participants.