Beside the Sea
Karena Coller is an Occupational Therapist and Family Systemic Constellation Practitioner who works with you and your family with her occupational, family
systemic and nature lens.
Occupational Therapy
Karena works with children, adults and families to support you and your child's wellbeing. Occupational therapy helps us to grow, live and to thrive in our natural settings of home and community. Karena for work, rest, learning, play and family life is important for all of us. Karena works with you and your child, so that you can both feel more confident in your parenting role with your child. Occupational therapy considers the whole person (our social, emotional, spiritual, mental and physical selves) to support individual and family growth and participation in everyday life.
Family Systemic Constellations
Karena works with you either individually or in small group workshops to explore intergenerational patterns that may be affecting you and your wellbeing from a family system perspective. Family Systemic Constellations help us to clearly see what has been unclear. Family constellations expose the generational traumas and behaviours that lie in our family tree. These patterns are often carried and repeated by later family members out of a blind sense of unconscious loyalty to the family system. This work can release us from these entanglements that are carried for another family member. We can often experience relief and are able to integrate a new perspective that helps us to move forward in our lives.
We commonly see in our workshops families effected by: war, divorce, natural and terminated abortions, exclusion of a family member, immigration or exile, sexual abuse, failed relationships, failure of business, inheritance or financial loss, early deaths, estrangement from other family members, suicide and suicidal ideation, depression and anxiety, anorexia, hyperactivity and emotional regulation difficulties and other factors and symptoms that contribute to emotional and physical hardship and disconnection from ourselves and others.
This unique and compassionate approach to healing changes lives so that participants are left with a deep sense of connection, purpose and love.
Family: Sometimes we may feel stuck or stagnant in ourselves effecting our work and relationships. Sometimes there are unconscious patterns in our life are unhelpful. Disharmony and conflict in our daily life at home or work is distressing especially when we feel we are doing our best. Sometimes, we are entangled in patterns from the past; intergenerational or collective past trauma. When we see the difficulties or problems with a new awareness and perspective we see potential for the beginning of a transformation.
Systems: We often see conflicts and issues within: a business, school, community, health or educational system; nature and our environment; government or political and world organisational systems. There may be underlying systemic imbalances that trying to find balance and affecting the way we respond to crises and conflicts as well the enactment of good intentions and outcomes. Family Systemic Constellations work can help us to uncover where imbalances, losses, conflicts, traumas and unseen yet important elements or obstructions stem from in a way that allows acceptance and a movement forward and upward.
Family Systemic Constellations work can be experienced in a small group or individually, to help us to see where our life difficulties may ultimately become a path to our life gems.
Nature Connection and Our Family Biome
Nature is a great environment for humans! By caring for ourselves, each other and nature, we will all grow better together. Our environment, our home and community and our families routines or rhythms, values and ways of relating contribute to our wellbeing. Our spirituality can thrive when we meet our needs for connection to self and others, community and care.
Our wellbeing increases when we care for and connect to nature in these five ways:
Senses – Engaging with nature through the senses for pleasure e.g. listening to birdsong, smelling wild flowers, watching the sunset.
Beauty – Engagement with the aesthetic qualities of nature, e.g. appreciating natural scenery or engaging with nature through the arts.
Meaning – Using nature or natural symbolism (e.g. language and metaphors) to represent an idea, thinking about the meaning of nature and signs of nature, e.g. the first swallow of summer.
Emotion – An emotional bond with, and love for nature e.g. talking about, and reflecting on your feelings about nature.
Compassion – Extending the self to include nature, leading to a moral and ethical concern for nature e.g. making ethical product choices, being concerned with animal welfare.
Lumber R, Richardson M, Sheffield D (2017) Beyond knowing nature: Contact, emotion, compassion, meaning, and beauty are pathways to nature connection. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0177186. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177186; The Five Pathways to Nature Connection